Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Phalanx

We are called to be part of what God is doing. We are called to go where He wants us, so He can bless us. It is God who is doing; we are simply called to go. As we go, we are promised that we are not alone. God is with us in the form of the Holy Spirit. God also sends us partners to work with in the tasks He has called us. Paul never worked alone as he went to the cities of Asia Minor. Paul always had another person or a group with him.

As we are called to tell others about what Christ did on the cross, we have partners in the ministry. We serve with a body of other Christ-followers (the church). Even as a body or a church, we aren’t alone in the work. God has other like minded churches we can partner with to reach the community around us.

As one person or one church, we can only do some much for Christ. As we partner with others, we can do more. A great picture of this is the Greek Phalanx.

The Phalanx was used by the Greek army in battle. There have been few military units as devastating in their time as the Greek Phalanx. Heavily armored and insanely well trained, these soldiers were capable of standing against any and all challengers. Phalanx units were funny things. Each man depended on every other man to hold the formation. If enough of your fellow soldiers lost their courage, your unit would be lost. It was an interesting practice for phalanx commanders to divide their very best soldiers among the front line and the very last line of their units. The front line fighters needed to be strong because they were slamming headlong into their opponents. But the back line warriors needed to be experienced because they needed to keep all of the other soldiers from running away. They would shout encouragement, push against the lines ahead of them and, if necessary, threaten the other soldiers to make sure they kept their minds on the business at hand. Running from a fight was considered cowardly, not just because you lost your nerve, but also because you doomed your mates to a horrible fate. It was said that a Greek should never die with a wound in his back.

Just as a Greek soldier depended on his fellow soldier in the phalanx, we as Christ-followers depend on one another for encouragement as we serve Christ. God sends people our way to equip us (Pastors). God sends people our way to encourage and assist us (mentors/teachers and friends). One person can only do so much for the cause of Christ. We need to help each other to grow in the Word and encourage one another as we do what God has called us.

Take the time to encourage a friend and fellow Christian. Ask them how you can pray for them. Be the one to encourage because one day, the person you just encourage will be the one who will encourage you.

Thanks for reading and until next time grow where God has placed you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

One Connection Point

The number of people seeking spiritualism has risen in America, where Christianity is on a downward trend. People are seeking enlightenment, but finding darkness. The idea that there are many ways to enlightenment or eternal life is a lie. People think the way to heaven is a 9 lane paved highway. There’s the Muslim lane, the Hindu lane, the Christian lane, the Buddhism lane, etc. All these ways lead to heaven or enlightenment, right? That’s a lie right out of the mouth of Satan himself. John 14:6 says, “Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

There is only one connection point to God the Father and that is through Jesus Christ. The people who are seeking spiritualism only find a lie that Satan has been telling since the beginning of time. The lie he tells is that we can achieve enlightenment in ourselves and not in God. We can make ourselves happy and fulfilled. The truth is that we enter this life empty. The fall of Adam and Eve caused mankind to be born dead in sin. We are born with a hole in our heart that only God Himself can fill in the person Jesus Christ.

Jesus has called Christ-followers to let people know that the 9 lane paved highway leads only to death and destruction (Matthew 7:12-14, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”). As Christ-followers, we are to tell people what the truth really is, and the truth is that Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father and to true enlightenment.

Jesus Christ is the only connection point that mankind has to reaching the forgiveness of God the Father. As Christ-followers, we are to connect people to Jesus Christ. God has placed us where He wants us for His purposes. One of these purposes is to connect people to Jesus. We aren’t the connection point. We serve only to point people to the true connection point to God which is Jesus Christ. We are called to go and tell what we know, and God draws people to Himself. The only true way to God the Father is through what Jesus did on the cross.

It’s time that we as Christ-followers get over ourselves and get out of our comfort zones and do some “going.” We have the truth, and this truth we have has set us free from bondage. Go and show your neighbors, friends, family, and co-workers the only true way to enlightenment and eternal life is through the man Christ Jesus.

Thanks for reading. Until next time, grow where God has placed you.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

As You Are Going

In the book “Breaking The Missional Code,” the author points out an interesting view of the phrasing of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). In many Bible versions, verse 19 of Matthew chapter 28 states, “Go.” According to this author and others I’ve read, the phrasing in the Greek is best stated, “As you are going.” So basically, the Great Commission is stating, “As you are going, make disciples of all [people groups], baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” In this passage, Jesus is talking to His followers just before He goes to heaven. Up to this point, Jesus has been telling them that they will face persecution, and be spread across the known world. So Jesus is telling His followers, “as you are fleeing for your lives and moving to other places preach the good news of Me.”

In our lives today, we are charged to tell others about Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross for mankind. The word “preach” means to proclaim, so we are all preachers in God’s eyes because we are to claim the good news of the cross. With knowing the correct phrase of the Great Commission (As you are going . . .), we are to constantly be preaching (proclaiming) Jesus. If you are a stay at home parent, verse 19 means, “As you are going to stay with your children, make them disciples of Jesus. If you work in the corporate world, verse 19 means, “As you are going to the office, make disciples of your co-workers.” If you are in the military, verse 19 means, “As you serve in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Coast Guard, make disciples of you fellow servicemen and servicewomen.” Or if you are a student (grade school, middle school, high school, or college), verse 19 means, “As you are attending school, make disciples of you fellow students and teachers.”

Let me inform you of this fact (if you don’t know it already) that we’re not the ones making disciples. It’s God who is making the disciples. We are the vessels He chooses to use to spread His love to the world. He is the One who is doing. We are told to follow Him. As you live the life God has given you, be mindful of opportunities to share Jesus with those He puts in your path.
Thanks for reading and until next time, grow where God has put you.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Life Song

I connect best with God through music. I enjoy all styles of Christian music. There have been songs throughout my life that have struck a chord with me. The newest one is the song “The More” by Downhere. It echoes my desire to serve God all my days. Below are the words to the song. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

I met you like a little child
Wide-eyed and mystified
That you could love even me
So I'm here to testify
That's been an amazing ride with you
And I have never walked alone
Wanna give you every moment, every minute
It's takes a lifetime to know you, to know you

And the more you show me, the more you grow me
The more your glory becomes all there is
And the more I know you, the more I need you
The more I love you, the more you become to me

Fast-forward to the golden years
A smaller pride and a bigger fear
But still, no way are we done yet
I pray that you would keep me mystified,
In every way that I will still abide in you
Till you come to take me home

Wanna give you every moment, every minute
And take a lifetime to know you, to know you

And the more you show me, the more you grow me
The more your glory becomes all there is
And the more I know you, the more I need you
The more I love you, the more you become to me