Monday, March 19, 2007

A True Man

I was able to see the movie “300” this past weekend. I love history, so I wanted to see it because I especially love ancient history. The movie is based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller. Frank Miller is a well known artist who retooled Batman in the mid-1980s into a darker version of what he was before. Frank is known for making Batman the “Dark Knight.” Well, Frank Miller’s graphic novel is very loosely based the historical events where 300 Spartans stood against thousands of Persians. At the end of this movie, I walked out of the theater with my chest sticking out and my posture straight. The movie made me feel good to be a man.

Society, as a whole, changes on what we as men should be like. At one time, society says a true man is tough as nails. At another time, society says that a true man is sensitive. Which is it? Our example in all things is Jesus Christ. When it comes to being a man, Jesus is who we should be modeling after. Jesus is a man’s man. The world misunderstands the idea of meekness. In the eyes of this world, the word meekness is taken to mean weakness. That is far from the meaning of this word. The Greek word meek means strength under control. It takes more strength to turn the “other cheek” when hit than to hit back. It takes more strength to forgive than to hold a grudge. It takes more strength to answer in a light tone, than to yell back. Jesus had strength.

Jesus is the model we should pattern our lives. Whether it’s regarding on how we should conduct our behavior, or what we shouldn’t be doing. The views of society change faster than the seasons, but Jesus Christ never changes. As men, we should try to be more like Christ than model whatever view society thinks a true man should be.

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