Monday, July 23, 2007

The Need
God is working on us to move to Montana to share the good news of Christ. We are looking to move in the spring of 2008. We are moving to Bozeman, MT that is part of the Treasure State Baptist Association of the Montana Southern Baptist Convention. The need is great for churches that preach Christ only to heaven. In a world that is increasingly spiritual but lost in their sins, the true way to heaven must be shared. Here are some statistics for the ministry area the Treasure State Baptist Association is working:

Over 240,000 people live in eleven counties covering nearly 40,000 square miles in the Association. There are only 28 churches/missions that have reached less than 1% of our population with the gospel.

The need is great in Montana as is the need great throughout the world. The methods of reaching people with the gospel change but not the message. Jesus is the only way to heaven and eternal life. Think about what you can be doing to reach your family, friends, co-workers, and your community with the gospel.

“Then He [Jesus] said to His disciples, ‘“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”’
Matthew 9: 37 – 38 (NASV)

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