Sharing Your Passions
I’m ate up with my daughter Ripley. When I heard she was coming, I told everyone I met that she was on her way. When she got her, I showed pictures and video of her doing anything and everything. If anyone asks me about her, I go on and on and on and on about her and her achievements; she is in the 98 percentile for her height (36 inches); her vocabulary is increasing daily; she dances at any and all music (be it music on the T.V. or radio, commercials, etc.); she is singing now; the list can go on. I love sharing stories about Ripley. I tell family members, friends, neighbors, and even strangers about how great and wonderful Ripley is to me. I love bragging on my little girl.
People do that; they love to brag on what they are passionate about. People will talk nonstop about people or things they love. Be they children, a spouse, a car, a sports team, etc. People share their passion with other people. Sometimes you can’t get them to shut up about them. As Christ-followers, we should be the same way talking about Jesus Christ. We should brag on how great our God truly is.
How can we not be talking about Him? How can we not be passionate about what He’s done for us? Jesus left His heavenly home to be born a human. He went from having all the power of God to limiting Himself of that power (yes, he had power on Earth but He chose to limit Himself of His true power) in His human form. He was tortured and hung on a tree. He was punished for sins he never committed (we committed them). He suffered. He died. He did all that so that you and I can be rejoined with God the Father. Jesus paid the sin debt in our place; we could not and can not pay the price for our sin. The payment for sin is death. Jesus paid it for us. And not only did Jesus die for us, He conquered death for us; He took the sting of death and the keys of hell away so we never need fear either of them. Because of His resurrection from the grave, we have power in Him and through Him. We have power in Jesus Christ to overcome sin, hate, bitterness, etc. and be able to love others.
For what Jesus Christ did for us, how can we not shout from the rooftops the greatness of our Savior and our God? It’s simple, start by sharing with someone; anyone what Jesus did for you. Share who you were before Christ saved you; I call that life B.C. Then share how Jesus changed you through His power and through His grace; I call that life A.D. When you testify about what Jesus did for you; you are only sharing the facts. The Holy Spirit will do the rest. Our passion for Jesus Christ should blow away our passion for our children, achievements, cars, homes, and anything else we talk to others about.
Let’s start sharing Jesus Christ to the world this Christmas season and beyond. The army of the Most High God says; CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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