Wednesday, October 17, 2007

People of God

I just finished reading a book I started 6 years ago; the auto-biography of Billy Graham. It was great to read how God has used this man throughout most of the 20th century. The best part of the book was him giving all the glory to God. After years of preaching and serving presidents, royalty, and the like, he still refers to himself as the farm boy from North Carolina. God can use the humbly to move mountains. I can remember my parents taking me to see him preach way back in the 1970’s when he first came to the Hampton Roads area. I only remember that there were a lot of people at the Norfolk Scope. I couldn’t have been older than 7 or 8, but I remember God using him back then. I’m sure Billy Graham will be written about in the centuries to come (if Christ doesn’t return soon).

I shared with the men who attend the weekly Men’s Bible Group that God had used and is using Billy Graham, but there are people who do the same thing every week that the world as a whole will never read about.

For those of us who serve God everyday, we do so not for notoriety. We do so because God served us from an eternity of damnation and we are thankful. God has used Dr. Graham greatly, but God also uses the average Christian everyday to reach out to the world with the love and giving of Christ.

If you are serving God and feel that people aren’t giving you thanks, don’t worry yourself about it. God, Himself, will honor you with crowns. And with great joy, we will be able to give those crowns back to the One and only Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Lord.

Keep doing what God has called you to do; to love and serve others.

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