Tuesday, May 06, 2008

New Set of Eyes

I can’t see into the future; nor would I want to have the ability. I know the One who does know the future so I will trust in Him to have His way. It takes faith to see it this way. I’m reading the book of Job, and the main topic of the book is faith (according to Phillip Yancy in his book “The Bible Jesus Read”). Throughout the whole book of Job, Job is trusting in God’s greatness. Job has no idea that God is allowing Satan to test him to make a point. The faith that Job shows through the hardship of losing all this children, his wealth, and his health speaks volumes to his character.

Keeping my eyes on my Master and doing what I feel He is showing me to do takes getting a new set of eyes. I need a set of “faith eyes” so no matter what my human eyes see (good, bad, or indifferent) I trust in God and what He is doing. Planting a new church is so must harder than I could ever have imagined. I have a very good imagination, but this is kicking my butt. I know that God’s will be done as I keep my eyes on Him and follow His lead. I know God is the One who does, and I’m called to follow His lead so through faith I can see a church being formed in the Carrollton, VA area. It will take prayer, work, and time.

Through faith, I know God will send us helpers. Through faith, I know God will have His perfect will do with us. Through faith, we will glorify God in all of His doings. Keep us in your prayers as we keep our eyes on God and follow Him.

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