Friday, June 03, 2011

What The . . . ?

I don’t consider myself easily offended; having been educated through the public school system of that 1980’s and been working in the secular world for most of my adult life. I do (however) have “What the . . .?” moments or I do a double take when I see or read something that is off in my mind. I had such a moment today.

I go to’s Blastr to read Sci-Fi related stories and updates. They have stories ranching from the upcoming science fiction related TV shows or movies, comic book related items, video games, and so on. I am not into video games; I had an Atari Gaming System way back in 1983 but never went beyond that. I read an article today about the release of a new video game called “Duke Nukem Forever.” The article talked about it being 14 years since the first game that featured the main character Duke Nukem. I went to watch the trailer for the game. The disclaimer came up and it stated that the game is labeled for mature (over 17 years old) audiences and it listed the reasons why. It stated the game had nudity in it. That’s right nudity. The trailer was 2 minutes long and I stopped after 20 seconds. The amount of violence and bleed shed in the first 20 seconds blew my mind and not in a good way.

I know parents who will not allow their children to watch a movie before they see it first. That can be expensive with the average movie ticket going for $10 but now I’m a parent I understand that philosophy behind it. God gives parents our children to love and teach and to give them back to Him. We are to protect them the best we can. I may be over protective being a first time father but I cannot imagine a Christian parent allowing their children to play this game.

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