Friday, February 20, 2009

Broken People

Last night I was part of something I’ve never been part of. I was part of a spiritual intervention. One of the men of our church have been telling half truths and lies, and last night his mother-in-law had me (as an Elder and his teacher) and the Sr. Pastor come to her house so we could be witnesses. I’ve met with this man several times and had been lied to about what has been going on in his house with his wife and family. I felt sad for him but knew this was needed. He has hit bottom and knows that the leadership knows of his deceit. The Sr. Pastor basically called him out and told him that he is defaulting back to his old ways when he lies, and the Pastor is completely correct. I’ve talked with Joe (not his name) today and told him that I forgive him of the lies he told me and how he mislead me. I’ve learned to trust my 6th sense or discernment; I’ve felt for sometime something wasn’t right but wasn’t sure. He has a ways to go (as we all do) but if he continues to trust that God can help him become the man he should be he will be fine.

Sometimes it takes God breaking people for them to stop playing church and be real. Palm 23 shows us that God is our shepherd. The second half of verse 4 says, “Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” The rod and staff of a shepherd are used to keep the sheep safe and on track. If a sheep doesn’t heed the shepherd’s leading and does its own thing, the shepherd will break the sheep’s front two legs. The shepherd then carries that sheep on his shoulders until the legs are healed. Most of the time, after this happens the sheep keeps close to the shepherd but if that same sheep starts on the same path the shepherd has no choice but to kill it to keep the other sheep from following the bad behavior.

This is similar to some Christians. They think once they are saved they can continue in their old ways. Our Master wants the best for us. He (through the Holy Spirit) leads us in the way we should go. If a Christian keeps doing their own thing, God breaks them. It could be in the form of losing their jobs or poor health. I know when I see a Christian going through trials, that’s when they tend to grow the most. God doesn’t always have to break people to get them to change. The shepherd knows when to use his staff to lead the sheep and when to use the rod to break a sheep’s legs. Breaking is always as the last resort. God only breaks people after he gives them changes.

Being broken will hurt; I know from experience but in the long run it’s for our benefit. God loves us so much He died for us. What we think is best isn’t even close to true best. The true best is only found in obeying and honoring God.

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