Thursday, March 05, 2009


Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him--Psalm 37:7a. Newton’s first law of motion was the law of inertia: All objects in the universe tend to remain at rest or continue in motion until acted upon by an outside force. In other words, nothing stops or starts randomly or by accident. If we bring Newton’s law to spiritual life we might say that rest and activity occur as a result of choice. The biblical rest that the psalmist spoke about in Psalm 37 is not the same as laziness or is it the absence of spiritual activity. This kind of rest means to stop striving in our own strength and depend on the Lord. When we think of rest we think of ceasing physical actions. When we rest in the Lord we cease things too, like: worry, anxiety, tension, and fear. When we rest in the Lord we also increase some things like: trust, faith, and submission to the will of God. And what about increasing these too—prayer, Bible study, and consulting with a trusted mentor. Don’t forget while we rest, God is awake!

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