Thursday, September 10, 2009

Finishing My Course

I read today in Acts 20, Paul talking with the elders in Ephesus as he made his way to Jerusalem. Verse 24 popped out at me;

“But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.”

I love how down to Earth Paul is in the Book of Acts. He did not put on airs in his daily actions. Paul knew who he was in Christ. I think that if he was asked who he was, Paul would reply that he was a redeemed murderer. On the way to Damascus, Paul had an encounter with the living God. This encounter left him changed forever. This encounter left him with a purpose; he was given a course in which he intended to run with all his strength.

The day God draws us to Himself and redeems us from our sins, we are given a purpose. Our purpose is to bring Him glory. The day He saves us, our course is set in motion. Each of us [Christians] has a course God wants us to complete. It’s not us completing this course; it’s God who has already completed it (see Ephesians 1).

My course is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to equip the saints to good works. A new addition has been added to my course and that’s to show baby Ripley that God loves her and died for her so she can live forever. She has not been born yet but I whisper to her in her mommy’s stomach that God loves her and Jesus loves her. My course is to point others to the redeeming power of God’s love.

Paul writes to Timothy (just before his death) that he had finished his course. He had no regrets on how he lived his life for God. My desire, when my time on Earth ends, is that I can say the same thing. I want to finish my course strong and as long as I keep my eyes on the One who saved me and do His work, I will finish my course strong.

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