Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Good Read

Last week at the SBCV Power Lunch for pastors, a good was talked about called “Replenish” by Lance Witt. The following day, a PowerPoint presentation was sent to me covering the topics of the book. It wet my apatite a little so I ordered this book. The book arrived yesterday and my plan is to start it today. I’ve read the forward by John Ortberg (I enjoy reading his books) so I’m really looking forward to the read. I’ll talk (or write) more on my thought about the book after I read it. Below is what is in the presentation; areas in which the book covers. If this looks like something that might interest you, check it out.

“When it comes to the church, you can’t separate leadership from the leader. You can’t divorce the message from the messenger. Yet we can become quite adept at projecting an image that does not accurately reflect what’s going on inside of us.

Godly leadership is always inside out. God always has and always will choose to smile on men and women who are healthy, holy and humble.

In our culture we have swallowed hook, line, and sinker the lie that busyness equals importance.

No one is holding a gun to our heads, forcing us to over-commit and over-schedule. As leaders, we must have the guts to start making some changes in our personal lives and church programs.

In ministry we need to recapture the word faithful. It is the nature of our world to be
enamored with what’s big. But in the church we should seek to be enamored with what’s godly.”

The above is just a little of what is in the presentation. I’ve read the first 7 chapters and it is a very good read; painful because it’s hitting me between my eyes. I will put my thoughts of the book as soon as I finish the book.

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