Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Scares that Never Disappear

The other day I was changing Ripley’s diapers and realized that her scare from the Ladd Procedure was very hard to see. It’s almost completely disappeared and it’s only been 3.5 months. The doctor used the new superglue and a new type of tape that sealed the insurgent. This new technology has almost made scaring from surgery a thing of the past.

Last night, our Monday night small group watched “The Passion of the Christ.” Teresa and I have seen it when it came out in the theaters but it’s been since 2004. It’s still the best telling of the story of Jesus on the cross. James Caviezel who played Jesus and he did a fine job; he looked the part of a carpenter. Even though the movie is very violent; it is only the tip of the ice berg of what most scholars say the cruelty the Roman’s could put on a person being crucified. There was a lot of blood but that’s why Jesus came; to shed His blood as a sacrifice for mankind.

Watching the movie “The Passion of the Christ,” I remembered that the Bible says that we will know our Savoir by His nail scared hands and feet. Where my little girls’ scare is almost disappeared and is healed, Jesus still shows His scares as a sign of love for you and for me. As we near Easter Sunday, remember what this time of year is all about.

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