Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sexting and Our Children

I just read an article that made me think "What the . . ." The article deals with sexting and teens. It made my head spin. The article didn't deal with should teens send photos of themselves to their boy/girlfriend, but if the police should be involved or not. One example dealt with 12 and 13 years olds. That blew my mind. Depending on your worldview will affect how you view sexting. If Christ is the center of your worldview, then this should make you want to educate you teen(s) to not do this sort of thing. If your worldview is centered on self or secular society, then sexting is no big deal. Most parents may even think it's no big deal until it's their daughter on the other end of the phone/camera.

As a father, this sort of stuff really makes me think in a way I never have done before Ripley coming in my life. As parents, we really need to monitor what our children are doing on-line and how they use their cell phone.

Before some of you start saying that children have rights and that we should respect their privacy, I want to point out to you that they are gifts to us from God. We are here to teach them. We can't monitor them 24 hours/7 days a week, but if we teach them the standard; the Bible, they will more likely stay away from this sort of thing. Not always, but teaching them what the Bible says and living it out in front of them is a start.

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