Thursday, July 17, 2008

Being Faithful to the Bible

I’ve been thinking about the responsibility I have to preach the Bible and not just speak about good topics. Being faithful to the Word of God is high on the list that I will be called on when I stand before my Father on Judgment Day. It is so easy to just speak about the topics of the Bible and not preach on what is in the Bible. It’s called on those of us who are called to be pastors to edify the “Saints of God” and encourage them to do His will. In order to do this, the principles of the Bible must be taught.

Preaching what is in the Bible does get ugly sometimes; especially when biblical truths go against today’s culture. People get upset if you hold them accountable for their actions saying not to judge them but we are told to hold each other accountable. People get set up when we preach against living together before marriage, sex before marriage, being drunk, and the like because it goes against what the world says is all right. The Apostles told the Jewish council that they should obey God and not men when they tried to stop them from preaching Jesus. It’s time for us preachers to just preach the Bible and not try to explain it. The Bible can explain itself because the Holy Spirit will show the truth to God’s children.

There is a proverb I like, “Throw a rock in pact of dogs and the one that yelps the loudest is the one who got it by the rock.” The people that get upset and/or complain are the ones the Holy Spirit is convicting them of what was preached. I rather have people upset with me when I preach truth, than God upset with me for telling bedtime stories.

Let’s be faithful in preaching the Bible.

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