Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Yesterday, I made it to Carrollton really early for the Discovery Group. I took my time and picked up our mail from the local mail store and was going to sit in my truck and read through my notes. My stomach started to tell me I was empty so I drove across the street and got something to eat. I was sitting there enjoying my food and started to look around me. There were 2 middle aged couples and a mother with 3 little children eating. I started thinking about the need that Carrollton has for Jesus. I asked God to allow me and Connection Point Church to be used to reach out to this community with His love.

The topic of last night’s group was the Feeding of the 5,000 in John 6. Other than being a miracle by Jesus, we can take away from it that God can take something small and seemingly unimportant and do something great. I shared with the group that we may be small now, but if we are willing to truly give ourselves over to God’s plans for Carrollton He will create something that only exists in our dreams. God cares for people. He gave His Son to die for people. Starting a new church where there are some already is because God wants to reach people using a different approach than the churches are doing now.

While eating, I asked God to help me never think or pray for Carrollton with dry eyes again. I want to see Carrollton the way God does; to see people who need Him.

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