Looking at the Christian Worldview: Part Three
Let me conclude my thoughts on the Christian Worldview. I’ll discuss Taking Captivity Captive and Thinking and Being in this final Christian Worldview post.
4. Taking Captivity Captive
Isaiah 44:20
He [Satan] feeds on ashes; a deceived heart has turned him aside And he cannot deliver himself, nor say, "Is there not a lie in my right hand?"
Those who have been ensnared by Satan’s lie are not able to free themselves from the darkness of deception. They don’t see the lie they are holding in their hand. All mankind are born blind to the things of God unless God has given them eyes to see and ears to hear (see last post for details). Showing the world that they are believing a lie, requires wisdom, humility, and a commitment to prayer.
An attitude and a genuine heart of love is required for effectively wielding the sword of Truth.It’s not us who does the delivering, it’s God.
Colossians 1:13
For He [GOD] rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,
The simple Truth of salvation is that God developed the plan for humanity to be reconnected with Himself; Jesus Christ paid the sin debt so we can be reconnected with God; and the Holy Spirit draws humanity back to the Father and reveals truths to us as we walk with God as new creatures.
John the Baptist put it oh so simply in John 1:23;
As one formerly being one of those lost and without hope, and now we have the hope of Christ; we need to be pointing to those around us about the Truth. We should be pointing our family members, friends, co-workers, and anyone else we come in contact with about Jesus Christ.
5. Thinking and Being
Roman 12:2
An d do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
It’s often said that you are what you eat. Where the life of the heart and the mind are concerned, the ruling principle is “You are what you think.”That’s why thinking rightly – in harmony with objective, absolute Truth – is a matter of such importance.
Your mindset is the root of all you are, the source of everything you do.
As we pursue the true light of God the Father, we are morphed into usable vessels.
In conclusion, our reality dictates how we react to the things around us.
Dr. Del Tackett in the first session of “The Truth Project” asks the students, “Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?" How board is your outlook on reality? How expansive is your philosophy of Life? Herein lies one of the sweetest ironies of the Christian worldview: The way to genuine openness and inclusiveness lies through the narrow gate; this gate is mentioned in Matthew 7:14 ("For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.").
In renouncing all for Jesus’ sake, we become heirs to the entire universe.
But those who deny God’s reality and cling only to the visible world shut themselves up in a box with a tightly close lid.
The Christian Worldview is solely holding that God (The Father,Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; three in One)is the only view we have and we should live as it is. The lost world is looking for the answer we already have. Why don't you give Him away? Share these thougths with your friends who are looking for "The Truth."
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Looking at the Christian Worldview: Part Two
Let me continue the thoughts on the Christian Worldview. I want to discuss The Substance of Truth and Truth and Faith in this post.
2. The Substance of Truth
Colossians 2: 2b, 3, & 9
2b attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is, Christ Himself,
3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
9 For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form,
Biblically speaking, Truth is both relational and propositional. The meaning of this is that since we have a relationship with God the Father through the blood of Jesus, we are able to see and hear spiritual truths and since these truths can be under-stood because of the Holy Spirit, we are able to affirm truths to be true. This Truth is consistent with reality: it matches the observable facts of the universe while at the same time explain realities we cannot see.
3. Truth and Faith
There’s a tendency in our day to separate “reality” from “spiritually.” As humans, we tend to compartmentalize everything. There is saying, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” We have separate boxes for Knowledge, and for Belief, and for Behavior. Knowledge, Belief, and Behavior all work together in the life of Christians. The Knowledge of our need for Christ affects our Belief system, and since our Belief system is affected, the way we Behavior changes.
Biblical Truth demands a total response.If I believe that what I believe is really real, I will step out and act upon it. This is the meaning of the biblical word Faith.
Hebrews 11:1
1Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Reacting to what you believe will produce something that you never thought possible; believing the impossible can be done.
If we truly believe that Jesus is the Truth; then we were given (by the Holy Spirit)eyes to see the Truth and ears to hear the Truth. Since we have and know the Truth, we are to point out the Truth to those in our sphere of influence.
I will conclude the Christian Worldview thoughts on my next post; which will cover Taking Captivity Captive and Thinking and Being.
Let me continue the thoughts on the Christian Worldview. I want to discuss The Substance of Truth and Truth and Faith in this post.
2. The Substance of Truth
Colossians 2: 2b, 3, & 9
2b attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is, Christ Himself,
3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
9 For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form,
Biblically speaking, Truth is both relational and propositional. The meaning of this is that since we have a relationship with God the Father through the blood of Jesus, we are able to see and hear spiritual truths and since these truths can be under-stood because of the Holy Spirit, we are able to affirm truths to be true. This Truth is consistent with reality: it matches the observable facts of the universe while at the same time explain realities we cannot see.
3. Truth and Faith
There’s a tendency in our day to separate “reality” from “spiritually.” As humans, we tend to compartmentalize everything. There is saying, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” We have separate boxes for Knowledge, and for Belief, and for Behavior. Knowledge, Belief, and Behavior all work together in the life of Christians. The Knowledge of our need for Christ affects our Belief system, and since our Belief system is affected, the way we Behavior changes.
Biblical Truth demands a total response.If I believe that what I believe is really real, I will step out and act upon it. This is the meaning of the biblical word Faith.
Hebrews 11:1
1Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Reacting to what you believe will produce something that you never thought possible; believing the impossible can be done.
If we truly believe that Jesus is the Truth; then we were given (by the Holy Spirit)eyes to see the Truth and ears to hear the Truth. Since we have and know the Truth, we are to point out the Truth to those in our sphere of influence.
I will conclude the Christian Worldview thoughts on my next post; which will cover Taking Captivity Captive and Thinking and Being.
Looking at the Christian Worldview
I've been studying Christian Worldview for the last 6 months. The subject is so important for Christians to know. There are a lot of books and websites on the subject. I just want to give a "Reader's Digest" version of the topic.
Everyone has a worldview. Whether or not we realize it, we all have certain presuppositions and biases that affect the way we view all of life and reality. A worldview is like a set of lenses which taint our vision or alter the way we perceive the world around us. Our worldview is formed by our education, our upbringing, the culture we live in, the books we read, the media and movies we absorb, etc. For many people their worldview is simply something they have absorbed by osmosis from their surrounding cultural influences. They have never thought strategically about what they believe and wouldn't be able to give a rational defense of their beliefs to others.
I see that there are 5 key areas of the Christian Worldview. Understanding these 5 key areas will equip the Christian with the knowledge they need to fully understand out wroldview. They are The Centrality of Truth, The Substance of Truth, Truth and Faith, Taking Captivity Captive, and Thinking and Being.
1. The Centrality of Truth
Depending on your starting point will determine on your world view. If God is not your starting point, then you will have a secular world view where anything goes because truth is subjective. If God is your starting point, then you will have a Biblical world view. The Biblical world view consists of Jesus Christ as Truth. This start point is fixed and does not move. This is like a plumb line (a fixed point where everything is lined up to make sure it is straight or perfectly balanced).
Using Jesus as a fixed point and guide of the Truth, He keeps us from going off the path.
Proverbs 3:5 & 6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight
Without the plum line of Truth, we can know neither life, goodness, righteousness, nor justice. We can’t even truly know ourselves. Let’s look at the ironic question asked by Pilate in John 18:37 & 38;
37Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered,"You say correctly that I am a king For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
38Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?"
Pilate asks the questions that most people ask, and we answered last week. Jesus actually answered Pilate’s question before he asked it in the last part of verse 37;
“Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
Jesus reveals truth of Himself to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Through the book of John, Jesus says for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. This speaks of spiritual eyes to see the Truth and spiritual ears to hear the Truth.
Jesus is the Truth so He is the central theme of Truth and the Christian Worldview.
I will post on the other 4 key areas throughout the coming week.
I've been studying Christian Worldview for the last 6 months. The subject is so important for Christians to know. There are a lot of books and websites on the subject. I just want to give a "Reader's Digest" version of the topic.
Everyone has a worldview. Whether or not we realize it, we all have certain presuppositions and biases that affect the way we view all of life and reality. A worldview is like a set of lenses which taint our vision or alter the way we perceive the world around us. Our worldview is formed by our education, our upbringing, the culture we live in, the books we read, the media and movies we absorb, etc. For many people their worldview is simply something they have absorbed by osmosis from their surrounding cultural influences. They have never thought strategically about what they believe and wouldn't be able to give a rational defense of their beliefs to others.
I see that there are 5 key areas of the Christian Worldview. Understanding these 5 key areas will equip the Christian with the knowledge they need to fully understand out wroldview. They are The Centrality of Truth, The Substance of Truth, Truth and Faith, Taking Captivity Captive, and Thinking and Being.
1. The Centrality of Truth
Depending on your starting point will determine on your world view. If God is not your starting point, then you will have a secular world view where anything goes because truth is subjective. If God is your starting point, then you will have a Biblical world view. The Biblical world view consists of Jesus Christ as Truth. This start point is fixed and does not move. This is like a plumb line (a fixed point where everything is lined up to make sure it is straight or perfectly balanced).
Using Jesus as a fixed point and guide of the Truth, He keeps us from going off the path.
Proverbs 3:5 & 6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight
Without the plum line of Truth, we can know neither life, goodness, righteousness, nor justice. We can’t even truly know ourselves. Let’s look at the ironic question asked by Pilate in John 18:37 & 38;
37Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered,"You say correctly that I am a king For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
38Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?"
Pilate asks the questions that most people ask, and we answered last week. Jesus actually answered Pilate’s question before he asked it in the last part of verse 37;
“Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."
Jesus reveals truth of Himself to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Through the book of John, Jesus says for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. This speaks of spiritual eyes to see the Truth and spiritual ears to hear the Truth.
Jesus is the Truth so He is the central theme of Truth and the Christian Worldview.
I will post on the other 4 key areas throughout the coming week.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Using Past Experiences to Help Others
Yesterday, Teresa found out that she has gestational diabetes. This has left Teresa shocked because there is no family history of diabetes. We talked it through last night but I have no idea how to encourage my wife. I’m praying for encouragement and peace for her. I can sympathize with her but I can’t empathize. I felt the Holy Spirit remind me of my sister this morning. Wanda (my sister) just had her baby this past Sunday and she had gestational diabetes. I called her up and asked her to call and talk with Teresa. Wanda can give Teresa advice and encouragement. Wanda can empathize with Teresa because Wanda has gone through the same thing Teresa is going through. Wanda can encourage Teresa in a way I’m not able to; Thank you God for Wanda.
In the book S.H.A.P.E.: Finding & Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life, author Erik Rees says that God can and will use our shape (short for Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences) to bring Him glory. I’ve seen God use people’s past experiences to encourage and help their fellow brothers and sisters (in Christ). People who have gone through the same thing you are going through can empathize because they’ve been there. Where a person who hasn’t gone through the same ordeal can only sympathize, they really have no idea what you are going through.
My same sister’s first husband left her back in 2002 leaving her shocked. I spent days with her trying to encourage her and loving her, but I could only do so much. A lady in our church had gone through a similar ordeal with her husband 20 years earlier so she was able to help Wanda more than I because of her experience. The outcome for Wanda was different than Sue, but God received the glory for Sue’s experience. God either allows trials to enter our lives or put us in these trials to mold us to be usable vessels. I think we are to use these experiences to encourage one another. Doing this will bring glory to our God and Savior.
Because of my experiences with God, I know everything will work out to His glory. I am convinced that little baby Ripley will come full term and deliver as a healthy baby. I know that God will carry Teresa through her pregnancy. There is no doubt in my heart or my mind this will be all good. We will be able to use this experience one day to encourage others and to bring glory to God’s name.
Please remember Teresa and baby Ripley in your prayers. Thanks.
Yesterday, Teresa found out that she has gestational diabetes. This has left Teresa shocked because there is no family history of diabetes. We talked it through last night but I have no idea how to encourage my wife. I’m praying for encouragement and peace for her. I can sympathize with her but I can’t empathize. I felt the Holy Spirit remind me of my sister this morning. Wanda (my sister) just had her baby this past Sunday and she had gestational diabetes. I called her up and asked her to call and talk with Teresa. Wanda can give Teresa advice and encouragement. Wanda can empathize with Teresa because Wanda has gone through the same thing Teresa is going through. Wanda can encourage Teresa in a way I’m not able to; Thank you God for Wanda.
In the book S.H.A.P.E.: Finding & Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life, author Erik Rees says that God can and will use our shape (short for Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences) to bring Him glory. I’ve seen God use people’s past experiences to encourage and help their fellow brothers and sisters (in Christ). People who have gone through the same thing you are going through can empathize because they’ve been there. Where a person who hasn’t gone through the same ordeal can only sympathize, they really have no idea what you are going through.
My same sister’s first husband left her back in 2002 leaving her shocked. I spent days with her trying to encourage her and loving her, but I could only do so much. A lady in our church had gone through a similar ordeal with her husband 20 years earlier so she was able to help Wanda more than I because of her experience. The outcome for Wanda was different than Sue, but God received the glory for Sue’s experience. God either allows trials to enter our lives or put us in these trials to mold us to be usable vessels. I think we are to use these experiences to encourage one another. Doing this will bring glory to our God and Savior.
Because of my experiences with God, I know everything will work out to His glory. I am convinced that little baby Ripley will come full term and deliver as a healthy baby. I know that God will carry Teresa through her pregnancy. There is no doubt in my heart or my mind this will be all good. We will be able to use this experience one day to encourage others and to bring glory to God’s name.
Please remember Teresa and baby Ripley in your prayers. Thanks.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Finding Joy in God Even in Troubled Times
I just finished reading “Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist” by John Piper. It’s a good read. In the book, John Piper reveals that the debate between duty and delight doesn't truly exist: Delight is our duty. I actually used the small group study (The Blazing Center; based on Desiring God) in Common Ground’s men group last year which caused me to want to read the entire book. I finally got around to reading it.
It was a slow read for me because John is a very deep thinker and is a little dry; however, as I made my way through the book I saw a lot of stuff that made sense to me. The last part of the book caused me to think about American Christianity. The part of the book where John wrote how we can find joy as we go through trials and persecutions caused me to think how easy we have here in the U.S.
I remember reading “Jesus Freak” in the late 1990’s; if you aren’t aware of this book it’s a modern book of martyrs that the Christian band “DC Talk” helped to get published. There are 2 new volumes now. I remember reading each story of how these brothers and sisters wouldn’t deny our Lord and paid the ultimate price. John Pipe in the his book told the story of a young lady who endured persecution at the hands of the U.S.S.R. and their gang of thugs who beat the mess out of her twice, but through her reactions two of the members came to know Christ as Savior. Reading in the book of Acts, the apostles rejoiced after being beaten because of their Lord. Where has this joy gone in America?
I’m sure there will be a day that there will be real persecution in America but today we don’t have it. I think Christianity in America will become strong when the day comes when Christians are called out in the street to give an account of their relationship with the church and Christ. Compared to the Chinese and Russian Christians, we are soft. I pray when the day of persecution comes to American, I will be able to find the joy of Christ in it.
How about you?
I just finished reading “Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist” by John Piper. It’s a good read. In the book, John Piper reveals that the debate between duty and delight doesn't truly exist: Delight is our duty. I actually used the small group study (The Blazing Center; based on Desiring God) in Common Ground’s men group last year which caused me to want to read the entire book. I finally got around to reading it.
It was a slow read for me because John is a very deep thinker and is a little dry; however, as I made my way through the book I saw a lot of stuff that made sense to me. The last part of the book caused me to think about American Christianity. The part of the book where John wrote how we can find joy as we go through trials and persecutions caused me to think how easy we have here in the U.S.
I remember reading “Jesus Freak” in the late 1990’s; if you aren’t aware of this book it’s a modern book of martyrs that the Christian band “DC Talk” helped to get published. There are 2 new volumes now. I remember reading each story of how these brothers and sisters wouldn’t deny our Lord and paid the ultimate price. John Pipe in the his book told the story of a young lady who endured persecution at the hands of the U.S.S.R. and their gang of thugs who beat the mess out of her twice, but through her reactions two of the members came to know Christ as Savior. Reading in the book of Acts, the apostles rejoiced after being beaten because of their Lord. Where has this joy gone in America?
I’m sure there will be a day that there will be real persecution in America but today we don’t have it. I think Christianity in America will become strong when the day comes when Christians are called out in the street to give an account of their relationship with the church and Christ. Compared to the Chinese and Russian Christians, we are soft. I pray when the day of persecution comes to American, I will be able to find the joy of Christ in it.
How about you?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
In the book of Matthew, we Christians are called to hold each other accountable. We aren’t called to judge one another (that’s God’s job) but to hold one another accountable for our actions. Over the years, I’ve seen this done with great affect and seen it done completely wrong. The one who is being called out should feel loved as they are being held accountable not feel like they are a child and the other person the parent because in the family of God we are all equal.
One person, that seems to have a get out of jail free card in this area are the men who are leading the body of Christ; we call them pastors, elders, bishops, etc. For some reason people either don’t feel that they can hold their pastor accountable or the pastor directly or indirectly makes them feel that they can’t. That’s completely against God’s Word. Paul’s tells use in his letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 5:19-20) that an elder can be called out (or held account) by at least two people.
I think it’s easier when we see the church as a family. If you have siblings, you have called them out when they weren’t honoring the family name. That’s all we are called to do. When we see a sibling in the family of God not acting as if they are honoring to God with their actions, we call them out with love.
Thank about it.
In the book of Matthew, we Christians are called to hold each other accountable. We aren’t called to judge one another (that’s God’s job) but to hold one another accountable for our actions. Over the years, I’ve seen this done with great affect and seen it done completely wrong. The one who is being called out should feel loved as they are being held accountable not feel like they are a child and the other person the parent because in the family of God we are all equal.
One person, that seems to have a get out of jail free card in this area are the men who are leading the body of Christ; we call them pastors, elders, bishops, etc. For some reason people either don’t feel that they can hold their pastor accountable or the pastor directly or indirectly makes them feel that they can’t. That’s completely against God’s Word. Paul’s tells use in his letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 5:19-20) that an elder can be called out (or held account) by at least two people.
I think it’s easier when we see the church as a family. If you have siblings, you have called them out when they weren’t honoring the family name. That’s all we are called to do. When we see a sibling in the family of God not acting as if they are honoring to God with their actions, we call them out with love.
Thank about it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Good Report
Last November, I talked with a church planter at the SBCV Home Coming Meetings. Steve shared the idea of relauching a plant he took over as pastor in 2007. In September, God had moved us from starting a new church to pastoring and I still had money from the Bible Study we had started. After talking with Steve and hearing his vision for Virginia Beach, VA, I had to share this money with him. He came to mind on Sunday after talking with the leaders of a Virginia Beach church that wants to merge their 50 people with a church plant. Because of FaceBook (love FB), I was able to hear what God has been doing with him and his church.
This is a great report and I am so glad we shared God’s money with him. He wrote,
Thanks for the encouragement. Just the other day your name came up. You were the only one who came through with funding in the early stages of this vision. I can't thank you enough. We've had a great first 6 months. We've had about 6 baptisms and a few more coming at the end of the month and several others that have accepted Christ but aren't yet ready to be baptized. Each week we have 5-10 visitors and several return visitors. It's been a great and wild ride.”
It’s nice to know I was able to encourage a dear brother in Christ and help get this body of believers going in God’s direction. Keep Essential Church and Steve Swisher in your prayers and they push back the darkness in Virginia Beach.
Last November, I talked with a church planter at the SBCV Home Coming Meetings. Steve shared the idea of relauching a plant he took over as pastor in 2007. In September, God had moved us from starting a new church to pastoring and I still had money from the Bible Study we had started. After talking with Steve and hearing his vision for Virginia Beach, VA, I had to share this money with him. He came to mind on Sunday after talking with the leaders of a Virginia Beach church that wants to merge their 50 people with a church plant. Because of FaceBook (love FB), I was able to hear what God has been doing with him and his church.
This is a great report and I am so glad we shared God’s money with him. He wrote,
Thanks for the encouragement. Just the other day your name came up. You were the only one who came through with funding in the early stages of this vision. I can't thank you enough. We've had a great first 6 months. We've had about 6 baptisms and a few more coming at the end of the month and several others that have accepted Christ but aren't yet ready to be baptized. Each week we have 5-10 visitors and several return visitors. It's been a great and wild ride.”
It’s nice to know I was able to encourage a dear brother in Christ and help get this body of believers going in God’s direction. Keep Essential Church and Steve Swisher in your prayers and they push back the darkness in Virginia Beach.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Priority Deficiency
I heard this morning on Foxes and Friends that Michael Vick has signed with the Philadelphia Eagles for a year with another year optional. I say good luck to Vick and the Eagles; sincerely. I’m from the Hampton Roads part of VA where Vick is from and I remember the raid on his house where evidence was collected and proof found showing he lead a dog fighting ring. That was bad and illegal and Vick did his time in prison for it. It’s time to allow him to live his life and do what he does best; play football.
Due to the politically correct world we live in, everyone and their brother doesn’t want to let this one go. On Foxes and Friends, they had a statement from P.E.T.A. about Vick be allowed to play again and they came across as not wanting him to move on with his life. Yes he abused dogs and even killed them; he was found guilty for this and served prison time for it. It’s time to allow this man to live his life.
There is a priority deficiency in this country when people who murder other people are allowed to serve a short sentence and then live their lives with no or little press coverage and when someone who abuses and/or kills animals is branded for life. People just don’t want Vick to be successful and the press coverage for the Eagles leave little doubt that they are being shown in a good light for signing this man.
I love animals and know God has made man to manage this world (along with the animals), but the life of a human being tromps any animal. I think if Vick had killed a human and did his time in prison, there would be some media coverage of him returning to the NFL and not what we are seeing now. This is the crazy world we live in. Go figure.
I heard this morning on Foxes and Friends that Michael Vick has signed with the Philadelphia Eagles for a year with another year optional. I say good luck to Vick and the Eagles; sincerely. I’m from the Hampton Roads part of VA where Vick is from and I remember the raid on his house where evidence was collected and proof found showing he lead a dog fighting ring. That was bad and illegal and Vick did his time in prison for it. It’s time to allow him to live his life and do what he does best; play football.
Due to the politically correct world we live in, everyone and their brother doesn’t want to let this one go. On Foxes and Friends, they had a statement from P.E.T.A. about Vick be allowed to play again and they came across as not wanting him to move on with his life. Yes he abused dogs and even killed them; he was found guilty for this and served prison time for it. It’s time to allow this man to live his life.
There is a priority deficiency in this country when people who murder other people are allowed to serve a short sentence and then live their lives with no or little press coverage and when someone who abuses and/or kills animals is branded for life. People just don’t want Vick to be successful and the press coverage for the Eagles leave little doubt that they are being shown in a good light for signing this man.
I love animals and know God has made man to manage this world (along with the animals), but the life of a human being tromps any animal. I think if Vick had killed a human and did his time in prison, there would be some media coverage of him returning to the NFL and not what we are seeing now. This is the crazy world we live in. Go figure.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Ask The Questions
We all have people in our lives that we wonder why they act the way they do. These people act in a way that may rub us the wrong way or leave us shaking our heads. I’ve known people like this and have several in my life now. As a child of God, we are called to love others just as they are. Some people are a whole lot easier to love then others. Every person has a story, and for those who leave us wondering why they act the way they do we may have to ask the question “What in this person’s past is making them act this way?”
Case in point, I have a co-worker that sits in the cubicle beside mind who seems to be over the top in her reactions. I have to admit, she can get on my nerves. She comes in the mornings shying like she is finally here after walking 50 miles; she clears her throat so loud it makes me jump from time to time if I’m not prepared for it; and she acts as if she is the only one who has to solve problems via the phone and/or e-mail. I have taken measures to avoid talking with her for the first year and half she worked here other than the normal formality stuff; I’m not proud of this.
One day, it dawn on me that I should ask the question, “What in this person’s past is making her act this way?” I know some of these traits can be just her personality, but some are due to something in her past. I took the time to talk with her and found out that the reason she started working at Dollar Tree was because after 8 years of marriage her husband no longer wanted to be married to her and left her with a 5 year old son to take care of. She was not anti-church but wasn’t attending a church because the way her home church reacted toward the divorce; not caring for her and/or not condemning him. Basically she was hurting and lonely, and her acting the way she does is her way of dealing with work, being a single mother, and all her life issues.
Knowing this has helped me love her more than I did before. Granted, she still can get on my nerves but I’m working on loving her as she is and one day I know she will be fully healed from her past; Lord willing.
If you have a person that just rubs you this way, ask the question and see what God reveals to you about this person that will help you love them as they are. Who knows what God can do through you to reach this person with His love?
We all have people in our lives that we wonder why they act the way they do. These people act in a way that may rub us the wrong way or leave us shaking our heads. I’ve known people like this and have several in my life now. As a child of God, we are called to love others just as they are. Some people are a whole lot easier to love then others. Every person has a story, and for those who leave us wondering why they act the way they do we may have to ask the question “What in this person’s past is making them act this way?”
Case in point, I have a co-worker that sits in the cubicle beside mind who seems to be over the top in her reactions. I have to admit, she can get on my nerves. She comes in the mornings shying like she is finally here after walking 50 miles; she clears her throat so loud it makes me jump from time to time if I’m not prepared for it; and she acts as if she is the only one who has to solve problems via the phone and/or e-mail. I have taken measures to avoid talking with her for the first year and half she worked here other than the normal formality stuff; I’m not proud of this.
One day, it dawn on me that I should ask the question, “What in this person’s past is making her act this way?” I know some of these traits can be just her personality, but some are due to something in her past. I took the time to talk with her and found out that the reason she started working at Dollar Tree was because after 8 years of marriage her husband no longer wanted to be married to her and left her with a 5 year old son to take care of. She was not anti-church but wasn’t attending a church because the way her home church reacted toward the divorce; not caring for her and/or not condemning him. Basically she was hurting and lonely, and her acting the way she does is her way of dealing with work, being a single mother, and all her life issues.
Knowing this has helped me love her more than I did before. Granted, she still can get on my nerves but I’m working on loving her as she is and one day I know she will be fully healed from her past; Lord willing.
If you have a person that just rubs you this way, ask the question and see what God reveals to you about this person that will help you love them as they are. Who knows what God can do through you to reach this person with His love?
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Ten Years
On Friday, I received a large envelop from Dollar Tree Stores, Inc; the company I’ve been work for the last 10 years. Inside this envelop was a catalog of items I can choose from as my ten year anniversary gift for working at Dollar Tree. I’ve heard about this catalog from my director because he ordered a watch 6 months ago.
It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years. I remember how I got my foot in the door. The summer of 1999, I was working at Fellowship Baptist Church as an associate pastor (focused on music leading), and was work for a temp job service to supplement my salary with the church. I had a 3 month contact with Dollar Tree because a young lady was going on maternity leave. The job was working at the local distribution center’s traffic office. Because of the way my dad raised me, once I learned the job I was to do I started learning other jobs in the office. I really enjoyed the people I worked with and the work.
God knows what He was doing. The manager of the department was impressed by my go-getterness and work practices. Once the contract was completed, I was planning on going to the next job the temp service had for me. A week after the contract was complete, I was informed that the pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church was resigning and that the new pastor was bringing his own music guy; I was out of a job. As Teresa and I prayed about what to do, the manager of the traffic department called and informed me that his asst. manager was leaving and he wanted me for the job. My job title has changed three times, but I’ve been doing the same job for all the ten years and loving every minute of it.
God has used this job to give me money as I preach His word and work with different churches; some that were unable to pay me for what I do. God has made sure I’m paid through Dollar Tree. I’m not sure what God has planned with me and Dollar Tree in the near future but I do know what a blessing Dollar Tree has been to me and my family.
The coolest part about the gift chooses is the one I’m getting; a digital camera. I’ve been wanting to get one especially with the baby on the way. God provided a digital camera for us free of charge. Is that cool or what?
On Friday, I received a large envelop from Dollar Tree Stores, Inc; the company I’ve been work for the last 10 years. Inside this envelop was a catalog of items I can choose from as my ten year anniversary gift for working at Dollar Tree. I’ve heard about this catalog from my director because he ordered a watch 6 months ago.
It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years. I remember how I got my foot in the door. The summer of 1999, I was working at Fellowship Baptist Church as an associate pastor (focused on music leading), and was work for a temp job service to supplement my salary with the church. I had a 3 month contact with Dollar Tree because a young lady was going on maternity leave. The job was working at the local distribution center’s traffic office. Because of the way my dad raised me, once I learned the job I was to do I started learning other jobs in the office. I really enjoyed the people I worked with and the work.
God knows what He was doing. The manager of the department was impressed by my go-getterness and work practices. Once the contract was completed, I was planning on going to the next job the temp service had for me. A week after the contract was complete, I was informed that the pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church was resigning and that the new pastor was bringing his own music guy; I was out of a job. As Teresa and I prayed about what to do, the manager of the traffic department called and informed me that his asst. manager was leaving and he wanted me for the job. My job title has changed three times, but I’ve been doing the same job for all the ten years and loving every minute of it.
God has used this job to give me money as I preach His word and work with different churches; some that were unable to pay me for what I do. God has made sure I’m paid through Dollar Tree. I’m not sure what God has planned with me and Dollar Tree in the near future but I do know what a blessing Dollar Tree has been to me and my family.
The coolest part about the gift chooses is the one I’m getting; a digital camera. I’ve been wanting to get one especially with the baby on the way. God provided a digital camera for us free of charge. Is that cool or what?
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Friend Of God
From time to time, I have to stop and wonder why does God want to use me to spread His Word. I do hold to the passage Paul writes about God using the simple to confuse the wise. I can be as simple as you can get. I read through Proverbs once or twice a year to try and get some Godly wisdom but I would never consider myself wise; unless you consider wise guy.
When I tend to start to think this way, a song that I've sung a hand full of times pops in my head. Maybe it will encourage you.
Who am I that You are mindful of me?
That you hear me
When I call
Is it true that You are thinking of me?
How You love me
It's amazing
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend
Who am I that You are mindful of me?
That you hear me
When I call, yeah
Is it true that You are thinking of me?
How You love me
It's amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend
God Almighty
Lord of Glory
You have called me friend
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend
From time to time, I have to stop and wonder why does God want to use me to spread His Word. I do hold to the passage Paul writes about God using the simple to confuse the wise. I can be as simple as you can get. I read through Proverbs once or twice a year to try and get some Godly wisdom but I would never consider myself wise; unless you consider wise guy.
When I tend to start to think this way, a song that I've sung a hand full of times pops in my head. Maybe it will encourage you.
Who am I that You are mindful of me?
That you hear me
When I call
Is it true that You are thinking of me?
How You love me
It's amazing
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend
Who am I that You are mindful of me?
That you hear me
When I call, yeah
Is it true that You are thinking of me?
How You love me
It's amazing, so amazing, it's amazing
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend
God Almighty
Lord of Glory
You have called me friend
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend
Thursday, August 06, 2009
It Never Fails to Humble Me
No matter how many times I read about the crucifixion, I’m overwhelmed. I just finished reading the book of Mark and in chapter 15 I read how Jesus laid down His life for mankind; for me. I can never read this account (in any gospel) without tears building in my eyes. It always leaves me humbled.
Who am I that God would do this for me? I am nothing; no one. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and He reached out through time and lifted me up and made me an adopted son; wow! Because of our forefathers, we are born in sin and are separated from God. Because of His holiness, we can not be with Him in our sinful state. But because He is holy and just, He made a way for us to be reconnected to Him. It takes a blood payment. God the Father instructed the children of Israel to sacrifice sheep as a foreshadowing of what Jesus did. Jesus paid this sin debt so I can (we can) have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. I will never get over it.
After chapter 15 of Mark, came chapter 16 and the resurrection; Halleluiah! Mark doesn’t mention this but another gospel does; when the women came to see Jesus and He was gone, the angel told them he was gone “just as He told you He would be (my own words).” Jesus isn’t in the grave; He is alive with the keys of Death and Hell! He took the sting of Death away and He has freed us from the bond of sin.
Because of the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we have life everlasting. If this doesn’t put a spring in your step, something is wrong. Jesus has set us free! As I write down my thoughts about this, a song pops in my head. “Your Love Is Amazing” is a great song for this since it’s a song of thanksgiving. Sing it with me;
“Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging
Your love is a mountain, firm beneath my feet
Your love is a mystery, how You gently lift me
When I am surrounded, Your love carries me
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing
Your love is surprising, I can feel it rising
All the joy that's growing deep inside of me
Every time I see You, all Your goodness shines through
And I can feel this God song, rising up in me
Yes, You make me sing
Lord, You make me sing, sing, sing
How You make me sing”
No matter how many times I read about the crucifixion, I’m overwhelmed. I just finished reading the book of Mark and in chapter 15 I read how Jesus laid down His life for mankind; for me. I can never read this account (in any gospel) without tears building in my eyes. It always leaves me humbled.
Who am I that God would do this for me? I am nothing; no one. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and He reached out through time and lifted me up and made me an adopted son; wow! Because of our forefathers, we are born in sin and are separated from God. Because of His holiness, we can not be with Him in our sinful state. But because He is holy and just, He made a way for us to be reconnected to Him. It takes a blood payment. God the Father instructed the children of Israel to sacrifice sheep as a foreshadowing of what Jesus did. Jesus paid this sin debt so I can (we can) have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. I will never get over it.
After chapter 15 of Mark, came chapter 16 and the resurrection; Halleluiah! Mark doesn’t mention this but another gospel does; when the women came to see Jesus and He was gone, the angel told them he was gone “just as He told you He would be (my own words).” Jesus isn’t in the grave; He is alive with the keys of Death and Hell! He took the sting of Death away and He has freed us from the bond of sin.
Because of the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we have life everlasting. If this doesn’t put a spring in your step, something is wrong. Jesus has set us free! As I write down my thoughts about this, a song pops in my head. “Your Love Is Amazing” is a great song for this since it’s a song of thanksgiving. Sing it with me;
“Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging
Your love is a mountain, firm beneath my feet
Your love is a mystery, how You gently lift me
When I am surrounded, Your love carries me
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Your love makes me sing
Your love is surprising, I can feel it rising
All the joy that's growing deep inside of me
Every time I see You, all Your goodness shines through
And I can feel this God song, rising up in me
Yes, You make me sing
Lord, You make me sing, sing, sing
How You make me sing”
Art Camp
Last night started a 4 week long art camp that we are doing at Common Ground Community Church. It will be every Wednesday (from 5:30pm to 8:30pm) during August with an art showing on Saturday, 8/29. This is a way to get the children from the nearby neighborhoods to know we care for them. Teresa and I helped last night and will be part of the team of workers; it should be fun.
It’s kind of neat how it came to be. Back in the spring, I mentioned an idea for one of our men to teach karate at the church. We were trying to come up with ideas to use the building during the week. Eileen heard me talking with Sam about him praying about it and she asked me if she could do something with art. Eileen is ultra talented with any forms of art and writing. I told our head elder (Lead Pastor) about my conversation. He and Eileen started talking and now we have this art camp.
I’m a firm believer that God can and will use our talents and hobbies if we give them over to Him to use. Sam will be using his skill at karate (he’s a black belt) this fall to teach karate to the children and Eileen is using her talent with art to share Christ with children. What talent or hobby do you have that you can give to God to use? You’d be surprised what He can do with it. Remember what He did with 5 barley loaves of bread and 2 small fish. Give it over to Him.
Last night started a 4 week long art camp that we are doing at Common Ground Community Church. It will be every Wednesday (from 5:30pm to 8:30pm) during August with an art showing on Saturday, 8/29. This is a way to get the children from the nearby neighborhoods to know we care for them. Teresa and I helped last night and will be part of the team of workers; it should be fun.
It’s kind of neat how it came to be. Back in the spring, I mentioned an idea for one of our men to teach karate at the church. We were trying to come up with ideas to use the building during the week. Eileen heard me talking with Sam about him praying about it and she asked me if she could do something with art. Eileen is ultra talented with any forms of art and writing. I told our head elder (Lead Pastor) about my conversation. He and Eileen started talking and now we have this art camp.
I’m a firm believer that God can and will use our talents and hobbies if we give them over to Him to use. Sam will be using his skill at karate (he’s a black belt) this fall to teach karate to the children and Eileen is using her talent with art to share Christ with children. What talent or hobby do you have that you can give to God to use? You’d be surprised what He can do with it. Remember what He did with 5 barley loaves of bread and 2 small fish. Give it over to Him.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Time at the YMCA
I like using this blog to write down thoughts I have from time to time; some of these thoughts end up as sermons or illustrations for sermons. But sometimes I just have to write about what happens in my life. Today was a good one. During lunch I go to the nearby YMCA to workout; on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I swim for 30 minutes and Tuesdays and Thursdays I do free weights. It’s a great way to stay in shape and also a good way to burn off some stress. I’ve been doing this for over a year and half straight so I’m very familiar with the staff and some other regulars. I’ve actually got some good sermon illustrations from what I’ve seen and heard over this time.
Well today we had some visitors in the free weight room. A mother brought her two children with her today. I’ve never seen this woman but she seemed to be excited about helping her kids exercise. It was entertaining to say the least. You could tell the son (maybe 13 to 14 years old; maybe younger) had no desire to be there so he wined while he did the exercises. At one point I almost lost count while working out my calves, because he was half hearted doing an exercise to the point it was comical. I had to close my eyes not to be distracted. Afterward, I looked over at the trainer and he had this look on this face that made me laugh out loud.
This trainer (named Joe) is a good guy and he knows his stuff. I told him “We all have to start some place but I don’t think he wants to be here.” Joe looked at me and said “He doesn’t want to be here. You can tell.” After I was done with my routine, I helped this lady a little with her daughter when she was trying to do one of my favorite exercises. The mother listened as I showed her daughter (maybe 12 years old) how to properly do it and she did it O.K. for her first time. The son on the other hand was ready to leave.
I have to say my time today at the YMCA was entertaining to say the least.
I like using this blog to write down thoughts I have from time to time; some of these thoughts end up as sermons or illustrations for sermons. But sometimes I just have to write about what happens in my life. Today was a good one. During lunch I go to the nearby YMCA to workout; on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I swim for 30 minutes and Tuesdays and Thursdays I do free weights. It’s a great way to stay in shape and also a good way to burn off some stress. I’ve been doing this for over a year and half straight so I’m very familiar with the staff and some other regulars. I’ve actually got some good sermon illustrations from what I’ve seen and heard over this time.
Well today we had some visitors in the free weight room. A mother brought her two children with her today. I’ve never seen this woman but she seemed to be excited about helping her kids exercise. It was entertaining to say the least. You could tell the son (maybe 13 to 14 years old; maybe younger) had no desire to be there so he wined while he did the exercises. At one point I almost lost count while working out my calves, because he was half hearted doing an exercise to the point it was comical. I had to close my eyes not to be distracted. Afterward, I looked over at the trainer and he had this look on this face that made me laugh out loud.
This trainer (named Joe) is a good guy and he knows his stuff. I told him “We all have to start some place but I don’t think he wants to be here.” Joe looked at me and said “He doesn’t want to be here. You can tell.” After I was done with my routine, I helped this lady a little with her daughter when she was trying to do one of my favorite exercises. The mother listened as I showed her daughter (maybe 12 years old) how to properly do it and she did it O.K. for her first time. The son on the other hand was ready to leave.
I have to say my time today at the YMCA was entertaining to say the least.
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