Tuesday, August 18, 2009


In the book of Matthew, we Christians are called to hold each other accountable. We aren’t called to judge one another (that’s God’s job) but to hold one another accountable for our actions. Over the years, I’ve seen this done with great affect and seen it done completely wrong. The one who is being called out should feel loved as they are being held accountable not feel like they are a child and the other person the parent because in the family of God we are all equal.
One person, that seems to have a get out of jail free card in this area are the men who are leading the body of Christ; we call them pastors, elders, bishops, etc. For some reason people either don’t feel that they can hold their pastor accountable or the pastor directly or indirectly makes them feel that they can’t. That’s completely against God’s Word. Paul’s tells use in his letter to Timothy (1 Timothy 5:19-20) that an elder can be called out (or held account) by at least two people.
I think it’s easier when we see the church as a family. If you have siblings, you have called them out when they weren’t honoring the family name. That’s all we are called to do. When we see a sibling in the family of God not acting as if they are honoring to God with their actions, we call them out with love.
Thank about it.

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