Friday, October 09, 2009

Staying Focused

A few years back, I made a decision not to allow politics to have a place in my ministry. It was part due to reading Billy Graham’s quote, “I’m not for the right wing or the left wing; I’m for the whole bird.” It was also part understanding no matter how you lean (liberal Democrat or conservative Republican) you still have a need for a Savior. I remember when I was 14 years old and watching the 1984 Democratic convention and seeing a well known Christian artist performing thinking, “Why is he there with the Democrats instead of with the Republicans?” I was big into Ronald Reagan and still have a lot of respect for him as President. Especially, now I know that he was a Christian who shone his light to others in his way. I thought if you are a Christian, you should be Republican because they have values (I know now that not all Republicans are pure as the driven snow; more like pure as yellow snow). As an independent Baptist, I thought that all our church members should back the GOP. I was wrong in my thinking.

I say that to say this, I think that we have allowed politics to enter too much into our churches. We should not be concerned with who is in office; we are called to pray for our leaders regardless their party. I think that the church got off focus when the church entered politics. If you are called to pastor a church, you are called to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and equip the saints so they can grow in their walk with Christ. As pastors, I feel we should be apolitical. We should encourage our members to vote their conscience (making sure to check out the facts). Not to push one party over another because both parties have good and bad in them. I do not believe a pastor should ever allow the pulpit to be used to proclaim anything other than the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Instead of backing the “Religious Right,” I think we should point people to Jesus Christ. Instead of lobbying the government to make changes, we should get on our faces before God and ask for change. I think, we don’t ask for change because we are afraid of His response to us; that we must change our hearts and motives. The purpose for Christians in this world is to bring glory to God. We need to stay focused on this and not get sidetracked on petty things that have no eternal value. Countries come and go, but God is forever.

NOTE: The reason for this posting is more to remind myself to not get caught up in the current political situation. Good, bad, or indifferent Barack Obama is the man God has place in the oval office. As President and as a man, I pray for him; for wisdom as he leads the country and for his salvation.


Anonymous said...

You're right. Our allegiance is to one King and no political party. I like the title "independent conservative," because it shows that while my worldview leans toward an understanding of freedom and righteousness, it is not beholden to any party, even if one party generally tries to fit the bill more often than the other.


Anonymous said...

Well said.We are sojourners in this world.I wonder how many of us can't work together because of the political divides. Politics divide.Human ideoligies cause division but on thing I do know,The love of Christ and glory of his finished work on the cross unite ALL who believe.