Totally Depraved
I recently read through “The Five Points of Calvinism, 2nd Ed.” by: David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas, S. Lance Quinn, and it was a very good read. One of the appendices was an article written by Charles H. Spurgeon. I told Teresa now I know why Spurgeon is called “The Prince of Preachers.” The article was just brilliant. One of the things I remember is how humble a man Spurgeon was in the area of being a sinner. One of the points of Calvinism is the total depravity of man. Since we are total depraved, God is the One who chose us and draws us to Himself. We are saved only because before the creation of time and space, God chose those of us who will accept Him as Savior. Spurgeon wrote it is only because God chose him that he wasn’t a worse sinner than he was when he was saved.
Paul wrote in Romans that no one seeks after God. No one decides one day to get saved on their own. It is because God chose that people to turn to Him for salvation. Calvinism in a nutshell is:
God chose people to be saved before He created time and Space.
Jesus Christ came to Earth to pay the sin debt (by dieing on the cross) so the chosen people could be saved.
The Holy Spirit proclaims the truth of salvation in the hearts of sinners and draws them to God and upon salvation the Holy Spirit seals us with the security of eternal salvation.
I believe that salvation is only through God. Humanity has nothing to do with it. We don’t accept anything; God accepts us or chooses us. Praise the Lord!!