Monday, June 16, 2008

Target Group

While learning the ins and outs of church planting, the term “target group” has been used a lot. I heard in the seminary I attended and have read the term in the books I’ve read. I’ve never been asked who my target group is with us planting a church in Carrollton. Are we looking to target the Gen Xers which Teresa and I are part of? Are we looking to target the down and outers, the Baby Boomers, or the post-moderate generation? The answer to these questions is, yes. We are planning to spread the seed of the gospel to everywhere and to every type of people. We are trusting God to lead people He wants us to reap from the harvest.

The one group I have always been passionate to reach is “Men.” If you press me on what is our target group, I would have to say, “Men.” If you lead the head of the house to the Lord, the rest of the family will attend church with him. There are a lot of stats that point to the importance of the fathers coming to church that affects the sons continuing to attending after graduation, and that affect on the mothers and daughters. I’ve worked in the men’s ministry for almost 10 years now and when the man growing in the Lord, the wives are encouraged and the family is grounded.

There is a church in Tampa, FL (Church @ The Bay) is totally focused on reaching men. From their website to the layover of their church (including color scheme), it’s all geared to reach men. I’ve trading e-mails with the senior pastor and he has shared with me that the women are very grateful for this because their man is coming to church and grow in their walk.

You reach the man and the family will come with him. Reach the man, and you can reach a generation. My “target group” is the men that God leads to me. It’s all about pointing people to Christ and He changes them. I want to be part of change a generation of men.

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