Saturday, February 02, 2008

What A Day!

Teresa's calling me Tigger because I'm bouncing around. God is doing His thing with us and Carrollton. We had 6 people in our group today. It is amazing!

A lady came today who I talked with on the phone. She will bring her next week. Gil talked with one of the apartment's office workers and he said he may come next Saturday since it he is off. Pray that God will bring him into the group. The room is comfortable with 6 people so we may need to "birth" a new group. Maybe a Wednesday night group in Gil's apartment. I lay this at God's feet. If He wants it to happen, we will need to do this. It is so awesome!!!

Taking myself out of the equation, God is letting Himself be seen. The main goal is to stay out of God's way and watch what He is doing; to ride the wave He is creating.

Surf's Up!!!

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