Today Teresa and I were given some news from our pediatrician. The x-rays that were taken of Ripley during her barium enema showed something we never thought. Little Ripley’s lower intestines are on the wrong side. The organs that belong on the left are on the right and the organs that should be right are on the left. The doctor has made an appointment for us to see a Pediatric Surgeon at CHKD on Wednesday. It seems that this is not life threatening but it did leave us dishearten. It seems that the lower organs didn’t move into place during the last part of Teresa’s pregnancy; this is rare with only 3% of this happening. When things like this happen, you can go one of two ways. One, blame God for this and turn from Him. Two, run to God and seek His help. This is a crisis of belief.
I will be upfront with you and I was a little beside myself. When the doctor left us, I held Teresa (Teresa had Ripley) and I prayed. I had not a clue on what to ask for. I am so glad that the Holy Spirit in times we are unable to communicate our needs knows what we need and shares them with the Father. Through God’s word, we are told that God forms us in the womb so God created Ripley with this. I have no clue why but I trust He knows what He is doing; He is God after all. I have faith that God will do something awesome with this situation. The only thing I can could ask God for after about an hour of the news was to ask for Him to save my little girl; the situation is not life threatening but it’s my little Ripley.
God has carried me through so much in my life and He has carried Teresa and me through so much together that how can I not trust in Him through this storm? God is Sovereign; He is all knowing; He is all powerful; God is my Father. We will know more about the options on Wednesday, but this could go back to normal on its own or surgery may be needed. We are laying Ripley at God’s feet and we are trusting that He will heal her.
Father, please heal my little girl. Give her a long life so that she will point others to You. Please encourage Teresa while she is seeking Your face. I pray only that you will receive the glory and honor for what you are about to do. I love You.
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